How To Exit Vim
How to exit Vim
For some reason or other, if you are stuck in Vim, there are many ways to exit. Here are but a few.
However, first we need to cover some Vim history.
The first editor to grace UNIX was ed. This is what JEDI is a clone of.
Next in line is EX. EX stands for EXtended. More on this later.
After EX, people had enough terminal cycles to display a file. This caused the birth of Vi.
Vi stands for VIsual.
Vim is an extension of Vi.
Whenever you press :
in Vim, you are actually invoking an EX command.
Now, on to the commands!
Before entering these commands, press ESC
The canonical way
to save and quit.
The “Abort! Abort!” way:
To save without quitting
The “Sudo” way:
To force a save and quit
The power user’s way:
This is the same as :wq
The fallback way:
This is the same as :q!
The UNIX way:
killall vim
I now hope will never post “how to quit vim” on Stack Overflow again